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broken garage door

Discovering the Benefits of Utah Garage Door Repair Services

Discovering the Benefits of Utah Garage Door Repair Services

Garage doors play a critical role in securing vehicles and everything else inside the garage, and sometimes, even the home. According to Crime Clock, nearly 9 percent of burglars enter through the garage because it is often left unprotected. Meanwhile, a lot of garage doors are easy to break into due to their age and state of wear. If you have not been paying attention to your garage door for quite some time, it’s in your best interest to acquire Utah garage door repair services.
Garage doors have two main components: the door itself and the opener. Doors usually move on metal tracks on the garage walls, while openers consist of a reversible motor that drives a carriage along a rail above the door. If damage lies within the door itself, you’re in good luck because that type of door repair is fairly simple and affordable. In fact, you could even clean the tracks and tighten any loose hardware on your own.

If the problem is due to dysfunctional openers, then DIY fixes may have to be shelved. Garage door openers need to be in mint condition at all times to ensure unimpeded access to or from your garage. Moreover, regular inspections are necessary to avoid fatal injuries and accidents.

One instance of garage door-related accidents is the death of Spanish cyclist and Tour of Castilla y Leon winner Xavier Tondo. Tondo was killed in a freak accident at a ski resort where he was preparing for the Tour de France. According to police reports, the cyclist was about to leave the garage when he suddenly got trapped between the vehicle and the automatic garage door. Tondo was tragically crushed to death as a result.

Garage doors should undergo periodic inspections and maintenance to keep them in good working condition. Even though most modern garage doors come with electric motors, rubbers, or chains, there’s still a huge chance they can go haywire. Luckily, garage door repair in Salt Lake City is readily available and affordable so there should be no second thoughts about getting it.

Garage door maintenance is an in important part of home upkeep. You can count on reputable companies like Price’s Guaranteed for help in dealing with such a responsibility. With diligence and professional expertise, you can ensure that your garage is protected and functioning properly at all times.



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