Minimalist Front Entry Doors for Your SLC Home
Contemporary styles reflect a strong leaning toward minimalism — clean lines, stark simplicity and penchant for avoiding any complex or grandiose details. If that’s your style — uncomplicated, pure, fresh — you may want a minimalist front entry door for your Salt Lake City home.
What Do Minimalist Entry Doors Look Like?
Features of minimalism include straight lines and right angles, with fewer natural formations. Thus, the style lends itself well to entry doors, although we do sell round-top and arch-top doors to those who prefer more of a country cottage look.
Minimalist doors are not usually made of natural wood, although they can be if the wood is painted. Minimalists do not favor fussily stained wood grain. Instead, minimalist wood entry doors may look like vertical or horizonal wood planks joined together, often painted or stained dark brown, gray or black.
These types of minimalist residential doors look amazing with silver hardware, whether brushed or shiny.
Minimalist Entry Doors with Windows
Many of our clients choose front entry doors with windows not just because they’re so beautiful, but because they let welcome light into the home. We sell hundreds of types of entry doors with windows, some with intricate designs. But minimalist entry doors with windows, as you may guess, give off a strong no-nonsense vibe.
Many of our minimalist front entry doors have a simple square or rectangle window, available in clear or frosted glass. Many others have one or more oblong windows set either vertically or horizontally. A single, narrow window conveys the spareness that is the hallmark of minimalism, letting in the light without any unnecessary fanfare. A series of windows, whether wide or narrow, vertical or horizonal, square or oblong, adds style into your front entry door’s design while at the same time maintaining minimalist order.
Adding Light to Your Entryway
Sidelights or a transom allow even more light into your home in a straightforward, practical way.
Browse all the contemporary minimalist front entry doors we have in stock at Price’s Garage & Entry Doors, and if you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, consider a custom entry door for your Salt Lake City home. Remember that as full-service entry door suppliers, we sell commercial entry doors as well, and we offer entry door installation, repair and replacement.