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Common Door Hardware Options

Common Door Hardware Options

When it comes to entry doors and other important doors in your home, hardware is one of the most important considerations. Things like the type of doorknob you use, the locks on the doors and the hinges used are all important areas.

At Price’s Guaranteed Doors, we can help with these kinds of decisions for both our security doors and entry doors. Let’s go over some of the hardware options you’ll have when getting new doors in your home.


  • Round: This is the most common doorknob style throughout the home, including multiple areas. It’s perfect for homes with young children, as it can easily be childproofed to keep toddlers and other little ones from getting into areas they shouldn’t be in.
  • Lever handle: The lever handle is a simpler opening device that involves a simple press down to open the door. It’s great for those with arthritis or other strength issues, as there’s no twisting or grabbing needed to open this style.
  • Handle set: Common on front entry doors, the handle set is a combination of a thumb latch and a handle. In some cases, it will come with a handle set on the outside of the door and a round knob on the inside.


  • Passage locks: This is the description for any doorknobs that do not lock, and simply turn freely at all times. They’re common in closets, hallways and other indoor areas.
  • Privacy locks: These are locks where the knob can be locked from the inside, usually using a button, while a key can be used to open the door from the outside.
  • Keyed entry locks: These are used on both sides of doors, with a turn or a push on one side and a standard key entry on the other.

Hinge Options

  • Butt hinge: Also called a residential hinge, this is the most common door hinge type. Rectangular hinge sections are installed, meaning the only visible sections are the pins and joints when the door is closed. The pin can be easily removed for repairs or replacements.
  • Spring hinge: These are hinges that close the door automatically, generally found on garage doors and back doors.
  • Ball bearing hinge: These are hinges that have permanent lubrication so they swing easily. They’re common in heavier doors.
  • Double action spring hinge: These are hinges that let the door swing in either direction. They’re commonly found in kitchens to allow two-way access.

For more on the kinds of hardware you might need for your new door, or to learn about any of our entry door or garage door services, speak to the pros at Price’s Guaranteed Doors today.

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